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Internet telephony at ETH Zurich

ETH World 2000-2005

The ETH World program came to an end in 2005. This website is no longer updated and contains archival information about the activities.


Links zu SIP
PolyPhon an der ETH


Armin Brunner, ETH Zürich
Dr. Michele De Lorenzi, ETH Zürich

Wednesday, 2nd February 2005, 16:45, HPI F10 / ETH Hönggerberg

Phone call, call from the Internet, video call or instant message - soon ETH Zurich's students and staff will be reachable by a single number. Everyone only needs a unique identifier or an e-mail address. The speakers will present the infrastructure that they have built up to try out these new technologies, and will present their visions for a new (tele)communication model inside the ETH community.

Connection Speed kontrollieren.
QuickTime Stream in 56 Kbps & 256 Kbps; 1 Mbps (LAN)
Dauer 43:21 Min


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