Welcome to ETH World

SER Modules

ETH World 2000-2005

The ETH World program came to an end in 2005. This website is no longer updated and contains archival information about the activities.


To integrate SIP telephony as closely as possible into the present ICT environment, we extended SIP Express Router with a couple of custom modules available for download on these pages.

ldap Module

This SER module supports simple queries for a single attribute stored in LDAP, e.g. telephoneNumber attributes associated with an e-mail address. Return values are transformed according to entries stores in a database table. »»

ldaps Module

The ldaps SER module supports simple queries for a single attribute stored in LDPAS, e.g. queries for sAMAccountName attributes associated with an e-mail alias. Return values are transformed according to entries stored in a database table. »»

silomail Module

This ser module allows sending a SIP instant message as regular e-mail. Such a feature may be useful for clients that are incapable of receiving SIP instant messages. Users with such clients can receive SIP instant messages using regular e-mail instead. »»

ethz Module

The ethz module offers some generic methods for header parsing, database-driven user authentication and uri classification. »»


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© 2012 ETH Zurich | Imprint | Disclaimer | 1 July 2005