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Dr. h.c. Murray Goldberg

Founder, President and CEO, Silicon Chalk Inc., Vancouver, Canada.

New technologies for the classroom

Computers are, more and more, becoming a way of life for students. In North America, roughly 80% of higher education students have access to their own computers outside of those provided by their educational institution. A large majority of these are laptops. In addition, campuses all over the world are installing wireless networks across campus.
Now that students have access to laptop computers and wireless networking in class, there is a tremendous opportunity to leverage these technologies to improve the learning experience.
This presentation will discuss the trends in mobile computing and wireless technology, and will provide a demonstration of Silicon Chalk, software intended to facilitate and enhance the face to face classroom experience of students.

Dr. Murray W. Goldberg is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. He is the primary developer of the WebCT learning environment and founder of WebCT Inc. He is currently involved in the new startup company, Silicon Chalk Inc., where he acts as a President & CEO.

Mission Statement
The next revolution in educational technologies will be software to enhance the face-to-face experience learning experience for students and faculty.


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