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ETH World 2000-2005

The ETH World program came to an end in 2005. This website is no longer updated and contains archival information about the activities.


Institute of Cartography, D-BAUG
Projekttyp: e-Learning
Keywords: Visualization, User Interface, User, Self-directed Learning, Navigation, Information Retrieval, Collaboration, CAAD, Alumni, Adaption, SVG, Javascript, html, Flash

During the last decade the demand for digital geospatial information has increased considerably in a wide range of academic disciplines and professional applications. However, courses covering spatial information technology and Geograpic Information Systems (GIS), often lack training in practical geodata handling. The GeoVITe project aims to fill this gap by providing a course about geospatial data handling, covering data characteristics, geospatial data management and GIS applications. The goal of the project is to set up an environment allowing self-guided learning about handling geospatial data sets.
The GeoVITe course will enhance the teaching capacity by offering students access to a self-learning environment. The system will also provide on-demand access to professional GIS data available within ETH on the central software repository IDES. GeoVITe is therefore divided into two major parts: a "geodata e-learning? module and a "geodata finder? module.
GeoVITe is a flexible and adaptive platform for the self-guided access to geospatial data and for learning how to use them. It can be used by both novices and experts, for research and teaching purposes. Core users are the students in the course "GIS and Cartography" within the geomatics curriculum. GeoVITe use will also extend to the ETH research institutions (EMPA, EAWAG, PSI, WSL), as these together with ETH Zurich have purchased a campus license for all professional geospatial data provided by the Swiss Federal Office of Topography, swisstopo.

2004/07/01 Project start
2004/12/01 Development of e-learning platform about geodata
2005/06/01 Development of browser-like tool for on-demand access to professional geodata provided by IDES ETHZ
2006/02/01 User tests
2006/07/31 Project end


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